Tag: April Kirkwood

What does an enlightened life look like?

Enlightenment is considered a gift bestowed upon by a  few while the rest of us become more zombie like hungry for truth and desperate for fulfillment. Nothing could be farther from the truth. What is Enlightenment? An enlightened human being realizes and feels a soulful oneness with God.  End of story.  So, as you can…

By April Kirkwood April 19, 2019 0

Why Men Commit To Some and Not To Others

Why He Didn’t Pick YOU? Your Personal Guidance Counselor Of love!  Understand the psyche of men.  Men are hunters.  If they aren’t hunting you, they are hunting someone else.  But you can’t play too hard to get.  The Key:  they want to feel they chose you; not the other way around. But men, listen up.…

By April Kirkwood January 21, 2019 0

How To Get Other People To Treat You

How To Get Other People To Treat You! It’s Time to Get Back In The Driver’s Seat With these tips! Number one, don’t ever assume that people know how to treat you seriously, okay? They probably weren’t treated well themselves. They probably have their own stuff. They probably don’t even know how to drive their…

By April Kirkwood November 26, 2018 0