Author: April Kirkwood

April Kirkwood, LPC is a vetted therapist, published author, and TedX speaker providing innovative methods untiling Eastern and Western practice and moving in the direction of accelerated spiritual ascension and healing where typical counseling falls short. Her studies and heartaches have taken her deeper into guidance found in soul contracts as well as healing and protective practices needed now more than ever. She assists others in connecting with their life purpose, finding the reasons and lessons they've come to master, and the purpose of others in their lives. Her one-of-a-kind content is creating a movement that wakes up others and Star seed children providing protection practices, soul retrieval, and guidance to prepare for 5D life on heaven on earth. The new vibrations are greatly affecting mind, body, and soul as never before in each of us as never before. Let's clear out old karma, contracts, and agreements from thousands of lifetimes for both ourselves and our lineage. You've chosen to be one of the healers of this new dispensation. Welcome home. Let's win. Let's raise the frequency of ourselves and those near and dear to us. Here to teach, guide, and love you. Grateful to serve, April

5 Signs Your Friend May Have an Eating Disorder

Suspecting that someone very dear to us has an eating disorder can be incredibly upsetting. Sometimes the physical evidence of a condition such as this can cause alarm and leave us wondering what to do. It is crucial, however, to be 100% sure that your friend does indeed have a condition before you approach them…

By April Kirkwood September 27, 2019 0

Why You Need A Wing Girl

It’s great to have a therapist, coach, friends, family members and your own good common sense, but sometimes situations come up out of nowhere that can really mess with your head. That is the moment you need advice, support, and kindness. Not an hour, a day, or a week from now; by then you’ve either…

By April Kirkwood June 2, 2019 0

The Road To Recovery: What Are The Options?

The key to recovery from a mental health disorder or addiction is the recognition that there’s a problem. Accepting that you can’t manage the situation and you need help is vital, not just because you can then take action to get the help you need, but because accepting you need help is essential in ensuring…

By April Kirkwood May 21, 2019 0