Category: Blog

Is Love Your Dope To Cope?

 What’s Your Addiction? Oh, yes, I’m talking to YOU! I just love it when I mention addiction in a mixed crowd; add to that, words like heroin, cocaine….and watch people physically curl back and shrink in horror.  The room quiets as they order a double, check their texts, or light up.  Anything to change the…

By April Kirkwood December 30, 2014 0

Four Steps To Finding LOVE at Work

People fall in love any time and just about everywhere. It’s a mental epidemic we crave that leaves us dizzy and drunk with hope that we are meant for one another and this is ‘the one.’ Then way too often, the relationship wanes leaving us with far less then we had envisioned. We are once…

By April Kirkwood December 21, 2014 0

Finding Your Heart’s Longing, Map Included

As you and I go through the stages of our lives, we continually fixate on and often achieve what we think at that particular moment what will make us ultimately happy. We end up trying on several hats: Classroom president, head cheerleader, college graduate, religious saint, community volunteer, life of the party, married with children,…

By April Kirkwood December 15, 2014 0