A ‘Frankie Valli Fan’ Sends a Nasty Email!
Submitted on 2014/08/10 at 2:14 am
After reading so much online both ABOUT April and HER personal comments…I find it very hard to believe this woman has two college degrees, was a teacher, counselor, public speaker, etc. She sounds like a “woman scorned” and a moron. For a woman with such education, you should have better command of the English language and better spelling skills.
There are many of us out here who love Frankie and the success he has achieved. His music will outlast your book by million years. You are NOT writing to teach others about the pitfalls of romance. You are venting your own feelings and trying to hurt Mr. Valli in the process. You should be ashamed of the whole situation …not revealing it to the world for whatever your reasons..
For you to open your broken heart and pour all this stuff out NOW, when he is at the pinnacle of his career, when his life story movie is coming out, is downright revenge. What did you plan to accomplish by doing this?? You did not have to tarnish his reputation in such a way at this time!!!
Signed: A Frankie Fan forever.
Hello dear bluginer17@yahoo.com:
Much of what is written or listed in this blog is not my writing, which means a lot of the spelling errors are journalistic in nature and I have no control over them; just as I have no control over the way the press exaggerates stories of all sorts to sell papers. I hope the book, What I did for Love; why my affair with Frankie Valli matters to you, will be more appropriately written giving a more meaningful message filled with love and healing.
Also, I am not scorned at all. In fact, I am so happy that I have had this learning experience to share with others. Of course, it hurt to know the mistakes I’ve made but now I can take this and help others and share the good news; there is a better way to select our mates and get off the ferris wheel.
I too love Frankie and always will though sad to say, he is NOT in any way at the height of his career. He will, though, be remembered and immortalized forever through his music and I do not in any way hold him responsible for his lack of judgment during his years in the spotlight. Many people, including myself, do things when they are young and especially those who are famous that they regret as they mature. It is part of life.
As for the timing, no one can say when healing moments arrive. There are other incidents and people that assisted in the timing which can only best be described as synchronicity. I only know that when the student is ready the teacher arrives. If it weren’t for the much publicized Broadway show and Frankie’s honest disclosure on subjects such as this relationship, I probably wouldn’t have been moved to look at my own life. On some level, it is he who started this conversation on the stage for the world to hear. I am only resounding to my own edge of his story.
In addition, you asked what I have to profit from this. My daughter married a musician and I have had the opportunity to have several positive conversations with her as I have gone through healing many areas in my life. I now hope this story will encourage others who have gone through similar experiences with bosses, teachers, pastors, government officials and others in positions of power to know they are not alone and there is real love out there.
I am so happy you are a fan. The movie didn’t do well in the theaters. Who knows, perhaps the book when it debuts will help with DVD sales. Thank you for your thoughtful comments and the opportunity to respond. As the song says, “Big Girls Don’t Cry” – for long anyway.
A Frankie Fan forever
- There should be a comma after signed and no period after Frankie Valli Fan forever. Just trying to help a girl out!
- Get some rest. Writing at 2:14 am in the morning isn’t good for your body or your mind.
April Kirkwood, LPC is a vetted therapist, published author, and TedX speaker providing innovative methods untiling Eastern and Western practice and moving in the direction of accelerated spiritual ascension and healing where typical counseling falls short. Her studies and heartaches have taken her deeper into guidance found in soul contracts as well as healing and protective practices needed now more than ever. She assists others in connecting with their life purpose, finding the reasons and lessons they've come to master, and the purpose of others in their lives. Her one-of-a-kind content is creating a movement that wakes up others and Star seed children providing protection practices, soul retrieval, and guidance to prepare for 5D life on heaven on earth. The new vibrations are greatly affecting mind, body, and soul as never before in each of us as never before. Let's clear out old karma, contracts, and agreements from thousands of lifetimes for both ourselves and our lineage. You've chosen to be one of the healers of this new dispensation. Welcome home. Let's win. Let's raise the frequency of ourselves and those near and dear to us. Here to teach, guide, and love you. Grateful to serve, April
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I have forgiven Frankie. He is my first love. The judgment of a 6 year old is not equipped, however, for such a dilemma but in that, I forgive the little girl. I have let it go but it is a story of a little girl traumatized in her home and how she attempted, though not with good judgment, to find some safety. If you read for the mental health issues, it is clear.
Can I interview you for a Documentary? All I need is your Email. If you want to know why it is because I am a Huge Frankie Valli Fan and am making a GIANT Google Doc Documentary on the story of The Four Seasons, and I never knew Frankie had gotten into any Controversies. I have many questions about your Story. If you would like to reach out to me, my Email is rdavidjones0928@gmail.com I hope this message will make you say yes. Have a good day.
Can I interview you for a Documentary? All I need is your Email. If you want to know why it is because I am a Huge Frankie Valli Fan and am making a GIANT Google Doc Documentary on the story of The Four Seasons, and I never knew Frankie had gotten into any Controversies. I have many questions about your Story. If you would like to reach out to me, my Email is rdavidjones0928@gmail.com I hope this message will make you say yes. Have a good day.