What Exactly Is Codependence?

December 9, 2018 0 By April Kirkwood

What is Codependency?


Perhaps It’s still confusing. So I decided to bring it down using my old school puppets to help us finally get what codependence looks like.  Enjoy the show!  Let’s hope it’s not very similar to your daily communications with your Significant Others.

Quick Summary of Video


Codependency is simply the act of two people being drawn to one another in order to fulfill unmet needs.

Codependency is often a result of modeling family behaviors.

Codependency is often linked to those with personality disorders.

Codependency affects relationships with romantic partners, family members, co-workers, authority figures, and friends in negative ways.

Codependency can last an entire life time.  The people may change but your actions and reactions to situations will be very similar.

Codependency prohibits your ability to find lasting love.

Codependency is a condition that can be treated.

My hope is that you find if you are codependency and make it your top priority to stop this self-defeating sabotaging of all of your most important relationships.

Until we meet again,

“I love you, I praise you, I appreciate you.

You are God’s child, great things happen to you, nothing can stop it.

So it is.



April Of Course and the entire ALK Team




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