Tag: romance

How Women Manipulate Men

  Do Women Manipulate Men? YES! Men manipulate women all of the time but not with the sophistication and save that women do.  Here are the ways we get you to commit and well, keep the slogan alive and well:  Happy Wife, Happy Life! Women are the heart of the home providing the core of…

By April Kirkwood January 14, 2019 0

Are you a FOLO?

I have a secret!  I am a recovering FOLO addict!   Just imagine my shock when I realized the truth! I have been married, done the match.com game, worked the rooms, dated and partied with the best…all the while secretly holding the title, Miss FOLO! Oh, what is a FOLO? Well, if you have any…

By April Kirkwood September 28, 2014 0