Find Your Golden Ticket to Happiness in Your Life

January 14, 2020 0 By April Kirkwood

This new year, a new decade, in 2020 brings us a moment to stop and review where we’ve been and to look forward to where we would like to be.

How was your 2019?

The past few years have been a roller coaster for me.  It’s been tough and some moments have been a total drain on me. The year 2019 brought moments of anxiety, anger, feelings of rejection, and emotional pressure on top of exciting, life-changing, amazing moments.

So, this evening, I find myself sitting alone in my kitchen confronting those emotions and the role I played in each of them.

I decided to find a solution for many of these self-imposed situations and others that landed in my lap. I’ve decided in 2015 I will move forward and make room for more happiness, contentment, peace, and bliss.

Sounds great, right?  Want to join me?

So, how do we do this?

 The Golden Ticket Plan for 2020 to ENJOY Life more!


No one can do this for you.  It is a self-help project. The only thing needed:  Awareness!

  1. Learn to soothe our own discomfort.  It is not anyone’s job to make it right.  And honestly, they can’t anyway.  Expecting someone else to do this is only a burden on friends and family.
  2. Learn to regulate our own emotions. To become an observer of our lives gives us insights no shrink in town can do.  Watch your interactions, dialogues, responses.  Are you behaving with memories, baggage and unhealed issues or are you truly at the moment?
  3. Create and Pursue YOUR own goals. Do not allow anyone to define what your dreams are.  Do not allow someone to demean your desires and do not expect others to reconfirm support, and ad your passions.PEER Pressure no longer affects you! 
  4. Offer others support without overreacting, judging, or rejection. Each person is here to do spiritual work.  It is not our job to stop their learning curve even if it pains us to see them fall.  Support, not solving their problems, is the highest possible gift you can offer.
  5. Offer your relationships a hand instead of just your needs. To place a burden on someone else to solve your crap, heal your heart, lighten your load only create resentment, anxiety, and anger in others.  Is that love?  I doubt it.  Keep your stuff to one or two confidants or a great therapist.

             AKA no more whining, complaining, bitching. 

On a deep level, you and I know this is the twelfth hour for us to make these adjustments in our lives.  Taking responsibility for others’ wellbeing, protecting ourselves from rejection, overwhelming burdens to live up to delusions of society, pretending to be happy when we are only on auto….it has to stop.

Please Join me.  Happy New Year!

Love always,

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