Featured Article on VixenDaily.com: Tips For Turning A Man On!
I flipped my messy hair and tossed my whip about whirling feverishly near my computer contemplating on whether to attempt writing this article for Vixen knowing full well I could teach you the tricks of the trade of mesmerizing a man for your bidding. Seriously, it’s a bit like witchcraft. It’s just a skill. Ok, to be fair, it’s true some may come by the talent naturally but there is always room for those who are dedicated to master the art of seduction. I mean it’s all about the metaphysical term – aura.
Frank Sinatra had it, Elizabeth Taylor had it, Kate Hudson has it. You’ve observed ladies and men who have it a million times at the club, sitting in an office, or sipping a drink in a cafe. It’s the best smell of all – I call it charisma.
The beauty of being an expert of “The Conquer and Control Persona” is that it has absolutely nothing to do with age, money, or class . ‘Get your game on girl’, you’re about to learn tips that separate the girls from the enchantress.
Mastery of your Man’s libido
1. Visual Appeal
The male brain continuously seeks intimacy resonating a lust from the kitchen area aka below the waist. Physically attracting them is practically full proof; those poor little fools….their eyes drop instinctively to the breast at every opportunity.
For color, add a pop of red which also bewitches the male. Mix it with Stilettos and ‘boo’ there’s a concoction for, ‘Sexy Time’. (Warning – If you slip on six inch babies, take an aspirin and lather those puppies with hemorrhoid creme to reduce swelling.)
Limit the makeup, cologne, or jewelry. Less is more. He’s drooling over you, not your wardrobe. The real magic of manipulation is mental; every feline knows this. You draw him close and tempt him not by what is seen but what is felt.
2. Vocal Enticement
Your smile is the green light to entice your guy into your space. Use it wisely, warmly, and at the right time. Purchase over the counter teeth bleach. (It’s fabulous.) Speak properly, and quietly. No one likes a big mouth or a potty mouth. Notice Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn’s tone and inflection. Is it any wonder John F. Kennedy loved them both! Nurture speaking with a quiet sultry shyness that coaxes him closer. This is key …be mindful to focus more on what he says than trying to be ‘cool girl’ reciting phrases and crap that’s not really you at all. Hint: I have always found that men if left to their own devices tell you exactly what turns them on. Use his name in conversation (it’s his favorite word). Mimic (mirror) his speech….it’s a parlor trick and it works to connect you to him.
Read More by visiting: http://www.vixendaily.com/love/april-kirkwood-how-to-turn-him-on/
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April Kirkwood, LPC is a vetted therapist, published author, and TedX speaker providing innovative methods untiling Eastern and Western practice and moving in the direction of accelerated spiritual ascension and healing where typical counseling falls short. Her studies and heartaches have taken her deeper into guidance found in soul contracts as well as healing and protective practices needed now more than ever. She assists others in connecting with their life purpose, finding the reasons and lessons they've come to master, and the purpose of others in their lives. Her one-of-a-kind content is creating a movement that wakes up others and Star seed children providing protection practices, soul retrieval, and guidance to prepare for 5D life on heaven on earth. The new vibrations are greatly affecting mind, body, and soul as never before in each of us as never before. Let's clear out old karma, contracts, and agreements from thousands of lifetimes for both ourselves and our lineage. You've chosen to be one of the healers of this new dispensation. Welcome home. Let's win. Let's raise the frequency of ourselves and those near and dear to us. Here to teach, guide, and love you. Grateful to serve, April