How To Overcome Childhood Trauma

How To Overcome Childhood Trauma

September 25, 2018 0 By April Kirkwood

“The greater a child’s terror, and the earlier it is experienced, the harder it becomes to develop a strong and healthy sense of self.”
Nathaniel Branden, Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.
“a personal trauma like the death of a child”

Have you ever wondered if anyone else is having as hard a time each day as you are?

Is this you?

Do  ‘Why Me ‘questions haunt you?  You are not alone.  More than 70 percent of the general population in America have been the victim of trauma.  Long term  trauma left unresolved leads to PTSD.  I think the numbers are larger then that.

The reason  realizing trauma can be so difficult for many of us is that we don’t exactly remember what happened in our childhood.  Instead, most of us remember what we’ve been told.

For me, I recognize trauma by someone who feels overwhelmed can be considered traumatic.

There are two types of trauma:

A single incident:  witnessing a tragic event, incarnated parent, an accident, the death of a loved one, illness or even moving can cause trauma.

Continous incidents: Bully/cyber and physical, chaos in the household, parent with addiction and/or mental illness, emotional abuse or neglect.

Signs of Adult Trauma from Childhood Trauma:

Cognitive symptoms:  Numb feelings of being out of it, shock, denial, and disbelief

Physical symptoms: Sleep disorder, night terrors, complaining about aches and pains and tachycardia.

Psychological symptoms:  anxiety, panic attacks, emotional detachment, depression, sadness and a term called…dissociation which is when there is a detachment of emotions from events.

Spiritual symptoms:  Feeling lost and alone, unsure of direction in life, little faith.

KEY:  Trauma manifests by having the inability to regulate your emotions.

The Quiz to see if you might be a suffering from early childhood Trauma:

Trauma Assessment

With love and light,



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