Detox, Now What?  Finding Your Truth

Detox, Now What? Finding Your Truth

April 8, 2018 0 By April Kirkwood

Wake up!

You haven’t been yourself in a very long time.

You have become a stranger to others but most importantly to yourself.  If you at loss where to go, since your wisdom and good judgment is a little rusty…..lean on what you have in front of you to wake you up.

Writing down and working on these conversations help in recovery to wake up the cognitive mind, practice reading and writing skills, as well as do some very important work on your way to your best self.

Finding the areas in your life that need fixing through the assistance of even those who might be considered your enemy.  Everyone has value in our lives.  Every piece of information can be used for your growth. The choice is yours.  Wake to the world and its value to be a friend to your recovery.

Jot down all it….for your eyes only…at least now!

  1.  Make a list of messages you heard or were told that are negative and next to that list the names of those people involved:





2.  Look at the list, put a star next the beliefs, thoughts that you also believe in or do?

3. Do you believe what you’ve been told? If not, what do you believe?





4.  Take those negative beliefs, rewrite it in the opposite with a positive view!





Remember:  What you feel today, manifests your tomorrow!


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