Your Soul’s Purpose in Writing
The Soul Contract provides a blue print to your life’s purpose as well as your karma and the lessons you are here to overcome. It makes an excellent gift for family members, friends, and teens who are interested in making their lives mean something and empowering them to see the best of their lives and all that has happened.
Ten percent of all proceeds go to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
SOUL PURPOSE: Written Report
A simple written report answers the most important question every person needs answered: “What am I here to do?” Every teenager, and college student, needs this. Parents benefit from knowing their young children and their partner’s mission. A discount price is offered due to my dedication to all life and their ascension and awakening.
Cost: $60.00 Special Offer for a limited time $40.00
This written detailed report describes every aspect of your adventure here this lifetime. Included in this detailed report are your entire life: physical and spiritual karmic gifts, challenges and lessons you came to overcome, and your soul’s purpose from the beginning of inception. Also, there always come reports and practices specific to your challenges to help you overcome them and be victorious on your mission.
Cost: $140.00
DEEP DIVE: Complete the written Soul Chart report as well as a one-hour session with APRIL
Deep Dive offers include a one-hour session as well as your written report to better understand what you have come to do, the challenges, karma, and gifts you chose with your soulful self and master teachers. I work with you to better understand and share insights from both a mental health perspective as well as what the chart depicts.
Cost: $175.00
IMPORTANT: email me directly when you place an order: Subject: Soul Contract

Hi I would like a soul contract reading but was wondering when k would be able to have it!
Thank you!